Tuesday, December 2, 2008

In the News!!

  • Ellis students receive progress reports today. Chapter members bring their reports by Mrs. Armstrong to show off their hard work this six weeks. Hopefully, all will be exempt from semester exams; however, some may opt to take the semester exam to ensure an A semester average. Without an A semester average in each core class (English, Math, Science, and Social Studies), honor society members must step down from the local chapter. Members at-risk of dismissal received a GPA notification and Student/Teacher Conference form, which is to be completed and returned by Friday, December 5, 2008. The GPA notification is just to let the members know their overall GPA, which in order to maintain membership in the ZEJH chapter must be a 4.0. See Mrs. Armstrong and/or your teachers for any scholastic advice.
  • Dues are $10.00. If you have already paid, THANKS.

  • T-shirts will go on sale again at the first of the year, 2009!!

  • Remember the Sock Tree. Set good examples for your peers to follow.

  • ISP, ISP, ISP, ISP.......So many of you are off to a great start....KUDOS!!

  • Honor Society Sponsored Dance, December 11, 2008 at 6:30 p.m. $6.00 or $7.00 at the door.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Community Spirit Project November/December 2008

Sock Tree

December 1-December 12, 2008

Donations will go to First Family Services, Talladega, AL

Students and the community of Ellis Jr. High School are encouraged to bring in new socks, gloves, scarves, and toboggans to feel the Sock Tree. Give more than we get!!!! It is the season of giving

Santa Letters

Santa needs help responding to the myriad of letters he receives at Christmas time. The honor society elves will assist jolly ole' St. Nick.

Club Schedule 2008

November 4, 2008
November 18, 2008
December 9, 2008

2008-2009 NJHS Officers

The honor society members have elected the new officers:
President: Mya
Vice-President: Taylor
Secretary: Eryn
Treasurer: Robbyn
Historian: Morgan

Thursday, October 2, 2008

October News

  • ISP: Independent Service Projects
  • You will need to complete at least 20 hours this year...get started NOW!!! A number of community leaders expressed an interest in our ISP program. If you need some guidance, come by and see Mrs. A.
  • Dues are $10.00. If you have not paid, please take care of this...The Society thanks you.
  • If a member wants a T-shirt, please bring $15.00 with a shirt size and I will get it ordered.
  • GRADES, GRADES, GRADES.....Whether you brought your report card by or not, I am reviewing your grades.....4.0 in core classes is the standard. If you fall below that standard for an extended period of time, you will have to be considered for dismissal. Prevent this from happening.... YOU talk to your teacher....It is your grade...no one elses. Be RESPONSIBLE.
  • CONDUCT...being put out of the classroom, being referred to the office, being a disruptive, defiant student is not meeting the citizenship/character standard. Be respectful at ALL times. You are always being watched because you are the leaders of this school.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Hats on Day

Zora Ellis Jr. High School is sponsoring Hats on Day!

What is Hats On Day?
Hats On Day was founded in 1995 by four sixth-graders in St. Louis, Missouri. They began the fundraiser when their friend and classmate Kevin Beffa was diagnosed with a type of childhood cancer called Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Kevin had been a bright, happy child with a passion for soccer. When he got sick, he began to miss school, had to give up his favorite sport, and lost all of his hair from treatment. Kevin also needed a bone marrow transplant, so Hats On Day was planned to show support for Kevin during his suffering and to raise money for his surgery. However, just days before the event, Kevin passed away.
The founders have continued in Kevin’s memory with the aim of creating awareness about children undergoing chemotherapy and related issues like hair loss, illness, and missing school. From 1995 to 2008, the fundraiser has grown from just a few participating schools to schools across the country. The funds raised are used to make young cancer patients’ daily lives more comfortable as they deal with this disease. When you participate in Hats On Day, you make life happier for children with cancer and show compassion for the many difficulties young cancer patients face.

WEAR A HAT, MAKE A DIFFERENCE. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2008. Bring $5.00 on Friday 9/19 or Monday 9/22, and wear your favorite or a crazy hat to school to show your support for children with cancer.

Congratulations to 2008-2009 NJHS Officers

The Chapter has elected its new officers for the upcoming school year. They are as follows: President: M. Thomas
Vice-President: T. Davis
Secretary: E. Stockdale
Treasurer: R. Stratton
Historian: M. Davidson

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What is Service?

Service is a building block in the foundation of our future. Small courtesies rendered today tend to develop into major services for tomorrow. By serving our fellow man in minor ways, we are stengthening our character. Only through aiding others will we form the sturdy backbone necessary for strong good government. In this day and age it is impossible for anyone to completely isolate himself from the rest of the word. Service is a must. It is striving and laboring for others. The members of NJHS will constantly strive to put others before their own pleasure, help those who are less fortunate than themselves, and will serve in every possible way their school, community, and country.

Individual/Independent Service is a member's responsibility to engage in service project(s) developed from his/her own particular talents or interests. The project may not directly benefit a member's family, nor can the member of any other party receive financial or other compensation for service rendered.

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." Winston Churchill

Congratulations to Ellis Students and Faculty

Ellis students proudly participated in The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Pennies for Patients program that raises money to find cures for leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma while providing information and support services to patients and their families. During the 3-week period, the school raised $1778.00. Mrs. Amy Box's homeroom collected $499.00 and was rewarded with a pizza party. Ms. Johnson's homeroom worked very hard and collected $293.48. All teachers and classes put forth much effort to make this program a success. Start saving your spare change for the 2009 Pennies for Patients.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Pennies for Patients Update!

Our first week was great!!! We collected $352.99. WOW!!!!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Chapter News: April, 2008

  • Members now have one month to complete their ISP hours. Please represent Ellis and the chapter to the best of your ability. All forms are due by May 5, 2008.
  • Report cards go out April 10, 2008: bring report card by Room 6 to let chapter adviser know you continue to fulfill the scholarship requirement.
  • ARMT and SAT are upon us. Be at school every day, eat a good breakfast, turn off the TV, MP3 players, computers, video games and get a good night sleep, try hard.
  • Remember, NJHS members are the leaders of the school. If NJHS members don't do these things, who will?
  • Dues are still due from some members.
  • Chapter offficer election will be held in May. Who is interested?

Pennies for Patients 2008

Over the next 3 weeks, we will be participating in The Leukemia & Lymphona Society's Pennies for Patients program. It gives young students the opportunity to raise funds for blood cancer research and services for patients. By collecting funds students learn quickly that every bit can make a big difference. We invite you to team up and help collect funds or contribute to the program through matching gifts or personal checks. Ultimately, kids can make a difference in the lives of others and will experience the powerful feeling that comes along with doing so. Thank you in advance for your support for this very worthy cause.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Recent News!
  • $10.00 dues are due
  • ISP Star Members for February: Benjamin McKay 18.5 hours and Audrey Morgan 18 hours
  • Sunshine Satruday for 2nd year members: May 3, 2008
  • Pennies for Patients: April, 2008
  • Members: Please keep up with your community service hours; come by Room 6 for a form.

Contacts for Local Community Service: Talladega, AL


1. Talladega Public Library Jackie Lackey 362-4211

2. Arts Camp for Kids Tommy Moorehead 761-1364

3. April in Talladega 4/11-4/12 Hugo Molliston 362-3530

4. Sunshine Saturday 5/3 Brenda Burt 362-7285

(ONLY for ISP: 1st year members)

5. Lions Club Ray Miller 362-6665

(East/West Ballgame)

6. Kiawanis Club of Talladega 761-1118

7. Talladega Healthcare 362-4197

8. March for Babies 5/10

www.marchofdimes.com/alabama 205-824-0103

9. Relay for Life 5/16 831-1635


10. Coosa Valley Antique Car Show 4/12 362-9075

Call Chamber of Commerce

11. Ritz Theatre George Culver 315-0000

12. Red Door Kitchen 362-3663

13. Talladega Chamber of Commerce 362-9075

14. VFW Post Dot Morris 362-0156

Selection Guidelines

The selection procedure for Zora Ellis Jr. High School National Junior Honor Society is determined by the Faculty Council and available for review by students, faculty, and parents.

Candidates must have attended the school (system) the equivalent of one semester.

Membership may be open to qualified students in grades seven and eight.

A cumulative GPA is to be used for determining scholastic eligibility. The GPA requirement is a 4.0 in core classes (math, science, social studies, language and/or reading).

GPA requirements must be the same for all candidates in all classes.

No quotas or percentages of members per class can be established.

Rules such as “no grades below a B” or no failing grades” are not acceptable.

Students who are eligible scholastically will be notified and informed that for further consideration for selection to the chapter they may complete the Student Activity Information Form, outlining their accomplishments in the areas of Service and Leadership. The Faculty Council will review the returned, completed information forms, along with any other verifiable information about each candidate. Some Faculty Councils may choose to interview candidates personally. The leadership, service, citizenship, and character of all candidates will be review carefully. Candidates receiving a majority vote of the Faculty Council shall be inducted into the chapter.

Faculty evaluations may be used to supplement the Student Activity Information Forms. It may be used to support the strength of a student’s candidacy in the areas of service, leadership, citizenship, and character. Such evaluations may be used only by the Faculty Council, the adviser, and the principal and are considered confidential.

A candidate’s leadership, service, citizenship, and character shall be considered for selection. Leadership is based on the student’s participation in two or more community or school activities, or election to an office. To meet the service requirement, the student must have been active in two or more service projects in the school or community beginning January of the preceding year. Citizenship is measured by the student’s participation in civic-related organizations and/or activities. Character is measured in terms of integrity, behavior, ethics, and cooperation with both students and faculty.

The National Council approved the following recommendations for use when considering “character” of candidates.

A candidate will be able to demonstrate an outstanding record of conduct and behavior with regard to school and community rules, guidelines, and policies or be able to demonstrate sufficient growth and improvement to compensate for previous inadequacies. The Faculty Council may review the following documentation for selection or dismissal consideration.

1. Administrative records of the school

2. Conduct/behavior records

3. Report cards

4. Professional records of individual faculty members.

5. Comments, based on professional evaluation and action, of individual faculty members on candidate evaluation forms.

6. Student Activity Information Form

Students who have been arrested and found guilty of civil offenses or who have a record of breaking school rules should not be automatically excluded from consideration for membership. However, a student of character takes criticism willingly and accepts recommendations graciously; consistently exemplifies desirable qualities of behavior; upholds principles of morality and ethics; cooperates by comply with school regulations concerning property, programs, office, halls, etc.; demonstrates the high standards of honesty and reliability; regularly shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others; observes instructions and rules, is punctual, and faithful both inside and outside the classroom; has powers of concentration, self-discipline, and sustained attention as shown by perseverance and application to studies; manifests truthfulness in acknowledging obedience to rules, avoiding cheating in written work, and showing unwillingness to profit by the mistakes of others; and actively helps ride the school of bad influences or environment.

Pregnancy, whether within or without wedlock, cannot be the basis for automatic rejection under recent judicial interpretations of federal low. This is not to say, however, that pregnancy cannot be considered as one determinant of character, as character is defined by the Faculty Council. But pregnancy can be so considered only if evidence of paternity is similarly regarded as indicative of character.

Certainly, students with disabilities may not be summarily excluded from consideration, but neither must their disability give them an unfair advantage.

Not selecting a student who has already been identified as being academically eligible, special efforts shall be made to explain the selection process to those students who are unhappy about the results of the selection process. The chapter adviser will provide immediate feedback concerning the non-selection. Should students and parents still not be satisfied, the next level of discussion should take place with the principal. Following such discussions, if the principal believes that some kind of technical or procedural mistake has been made, the principal may ask the Faculty council to reconvene to review the situation. Technical or procedural errors might include the inadvertent omission of a student’s name from the list of those qualified for induction, the erroneous averaging of grades, or failure to follow prescribed procedures.

In the absence of specific evidence to the contrary, however, the principal must assume that the members of the council are exercising their discretion in a legitimate manner and with the good faith expected of them.

Parents and students must understand that no student has the right to be selected for membership in a chapter of the National Junior Honor Society. If a non-selected student or his/her parents wish to challenge the principal’s decision they should follow the local school system complaint procedure.

The National Council and the NASSP have no authority to review or overturn the judgment of the Faculty Council regarding selection of individual members to local chapters.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

February News!

Dues are Due: $10.00
T-shirts 4-sale: $10.00
ISP: continue working on your ISP community projects; see Mrs. Armstrong if you need some guidance
Chapter Project: Sunshine Saturday: May 3, 2008: all 2nd year members MUST work; place this on your calendar
Meetings: February 13, February 27: 2:45 p.m.

2008 Induction Ceremony

Ushers, officers, and new inductees

Thursday, January 24, 2008

New Inductees for 2008

Courtney, Lonnie, Taylor, Kerri, Luke, Zachary, Marissa, Chondria, Riley, Matthew, Miles, Peyton, Morgan, Katelynd, Jy'Kiria, Phalon, Eryn, Mya, Derrika, Kimberly, Chelsea, Kelsey, Ryan, Ricaundria, Tyler Gray, Kacie, Regan, Atara, Shelby, and Robbyn. These students will be inducted at the Official Ceremony on February 8, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. at John McFarlane Auditorium.

2008 Officers


EJH National Junior Honor Society Purpose

NJHS's purpose is to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, to develop character, and to encourage citizenship.