Friday, March 6, 2009

February News

Our first meeting with new members was held on February 17, 2009. Roll call was taken and all but 2 members attended. Member responsibilities were reviewed. Independent Service Projects were explained. Chapter projects were reviewed. New members may order chapter t-shirts for $15.00. They also need to pay their annual dues of $10.00 as soon as possible. Report cards go out on 2/19; new members were notified to bring report cards and progress reports by Mrs. Armstrong's classroom for review. National Junior Honor Society members are leaders and trend setters at Ellis. Teachers, personnel, and students are aware who they are and look for each of them to set good examples whereever they may be. We will be partnering with Mrs. Carroll on a field trip to the Georgia Renaissance Festival. The down payment of $25.00 is due March 13, 2009. The balance is due April 16, 2009. All honor society members are encourage to attend.

Some ISP opportunities are: Pinto Bean Cook-off: April 18, 2009, Ellis Campus Cleanup: March 28, 2009 9-11 a.m., and Ellis Excellence Banquet in May. The May events will go towards next year's ISP requirement.

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